If you would like to communicate directly with one of our Presenters to discuss customizing a virtual program geared more toward the interests of your group, or if you have a question before submitting an Invite an Educator request, you may email the appropriate contact person below. You may also reach out to ask about in-person programming opportunities.
If you already know which program(s) you are interested in, please complete your request by heading to the “Invite an Educator” tab. You will be able to submit additional comments and questions at the bottom of the request form.
Bosque Redondo Memorial at Fort Sumner | Rebekha Crockett | Rebekha.Crockett@dca.nm.gov |
Fort Selden Historic Site | Emily Wilson | emily.wilson@dca.nm.gov |
Fort Stanton Historic Site | Alanea White | alanea.white@dca.nm.gov |
Historic Preservation Division | Jeff Pappas | Jeff.Pappas@dca.nm.gov |
Jemez Historic Site | Marlon Magdalena | Marlon.Magdalena@dca.nm.gov |
Lincoln Historic Site | Oscar Navarro | oscar.navarro@dca.nm.gov |
Los Luceros Historic Site | Rebecca Ward | Rebecca.Ward@dca.nm.gov |
Museum of Indian Arts and Culture | Marita Hinds | Marita.Hinds@dca.nm.gov |
Museum of International Folk Art | Patricia Sigala | Patricia.Sigala@dca.nm.gov |
Museum Resources Division Wonder on Wheels | Jennifer Hasty | Jennifer.Hasty@dca.nm.gov |
National Hispanic Cultural Center Visual Arts Program | Elena Baca | ElenaD.Baca@dca.nm.gov |
New Mexico Arts- Poetry Out Loud | Kevin Lenkner | Kevin.Lenkner@dca.nm.gov |
NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum | Paul Steward | Paul.Steward@dca.nm.gov |
New Mexico History Museum | Chris McCorquodale | Chris.McCorquodale@dca.nm.gov |
New Mexico Museum of Art | Chris Nail Amanda Formby Sarah Zurick | Chris.Nail@dca.nm.gov Amanda.Formby@dca.nm.gov Sarah.Zurick@dca.nm.gov |
NM Museum of Natural History and Science | ||
New Mexico Museum of Space History | Tony Gondola | Tony.Gondola@dca.nm.gov |
New Mexico State Library | Eli Guinnee | Eli.Guinnee@dca.nm.gov |
Office of Archaeological Studies | Ziggy Prothro | oas.education@state.nm.us |
Taylor-Mesilla Historic Site | Alexandra McKinney | Alexandra.McKinney@dca.nm.gov |